Monday, December 9, 2019

Final Work Day before Finals

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. English Journal #21 Brain Dump
  2. Time to grade your English Journals. Today make sure:
    1. You have all English Journals completed. Is the newest at the top? Are all of them complete? If you want an A, did you go above and beyond what was required? Fix all grammar and spelling mistakes.
    2. Look at the rubric. What grade do you think you deserve based on your effort and the quality of your writing?
    3. Add a comment to your document and write an argument for the score you think you deserve.
  3. Iron Chef: Independent Reading.
    1. Pictures, Summary of book, how the food ties in to the book
    2. Secret Ingredient: Make a connection between your book and something else we have read in class.
    3. Make a copy of the Iron Chef slides and share with your group.
    4. Turn in your slides using this Google Form.

Friday, December 6, 2019

English Journals

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. Thoreau Rhetorical Analysis paragraph
    1. First, order to... Thoreau writes "...." (#)
    2. The next sentence should explain what he wants the audience to understand.
    3. The final sentence should explain what he wants the audience to do. How does his rhetorical choice move the audience?
  2. Time to grade your English Journals. Today make sure:
    1. You have all English Journals completed. Is the newest at the top? Are all of them complete? If you want an A, did you go above and beyond what was required? Fix all grammar and spelling mistakes.
    2. Look at the rubric. What grade do you think you deserve based on your effort and the quality of your writing?
  3. Your annotations for the Thoreau article will half of your final exam grade. These should be your best annotations all year.
    1. Left side notes should be what is in the text.
    2. Right side notes should take us through the text or out of the text.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Thoreau Annotation

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. Work on your vocabulary for 10 minutes.
  2. Add all of your group's Ironchef work to the Thoreau reading.
  3. We will annotate part of Thoreau's article together.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Iron Chef Presentations

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. I will let you practice one time before presenting today.
  2. Submit your slides to this Google Form.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Iron Chef day 2

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. You will meet in your expert group for twelve minutes. Split into two smaller groups. Make sure you do thorough work.
  2. Each partner will complete one slide. Make a copy of the slides and share with your group.
  3. You will present your slides to the class. Each partner will have thirty seconds. We will judge your slides AGT style.
  4. The secret ingredient is to include something from the notes about the One and the Many on your slide.
  5. Submit your slides to this Google Form.
  6. The discussion for this article will be on Thursday and Friday.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Thoreau Reading

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read your choice book for 10 minutes. You need to be finished with the book by Dec. 10th. Think of a food that you could bring to represent an aspect of your book.

  1. 15 minutes to read the Thoreau text.
  2. You will work in groups of four. Each partner will have a separate slide with a specific task.
  3. Each partner will complete one slide. Make a copy of the slides and share with your group.
  4. You will present your slides to the class. Each partner will have thirty seconds. We will judge your slides AGT style.
  5. The secret ingredient is to include something from the notes about the One and the Many on your slide.
  6. The discussion for this article will be on Thursday and Friday.