Friday, August 30, 2019

Twain article discussion

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Read your book today for 10 minutes.

  1. TQE Discussion for the Mark Twain article.
    1. Turn your statements into questions
    2. I need to hear
      1. Twain...Twain...
      2. Tell me more...
    3. Your grade is based on how much you talk.
  2. Post your group's best TQEs here:
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2


Thursday, August 29, 2019

Rubric Calibration Day 2

Big Idea: Can we use the AP rubric to judge writing?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Read nonfiction today. Check out Allsides or TheFlipSide to find good articles. Don't forget to write in your notebook.

  1. Follow the line of reasoning in the Twain article.
  2. Rubric Calibration.


Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Rubric analysis calibration

Big Idea: How do I make an effective claim?

Learning Target: Provide feedback about analyzing claims.

Reading: Today you will read your fiction book.

  1. Login to your AP Central account. Enter the code that I give you.
  2. Receive some tips about the Twain article.
  3. Give your partner feedback about their paragraph.
  4. Rhetorical analysis rubric calibration.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Making claims about Mcbride article

Big Idea: How do I make an effective claim?

Learning Target: Identify a claim made by an author and the line of reasoning and evidence underlying this claim.

Reading: Today you will read your fiction book.

  1. I will grade your vocabulary today.
  2. Fill out the Reading Progress form under class links.
  3. Read the Mark Twain essay and annotate it by Thursday. We will have our discussion of the text on Thursday.
  4. Getting ready for our first progress check
    1. Take out a piece of paper.
    2. Identify a claim made by McBride and explain the reasoning underlying this claim.
    3. List at least two pieces of supporting evidence from the passage and briefly explain how they support the claim you have identified in (1).
  5. English Journal: Rhetorical Analysis McBride

Friday, August 23, 2019

Claims of Fact and Claims of Value

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Today we will go to the library.

  1. English Journal #3: Making our own claims
    1. Claims of fact assert that something is true or not true. "The real storytellers of the American experience came from the..."
    2. Claims of value argue that something is good or bad, right or wrong, desirable or undesirable."
  2. English Journal #4: 10 minutes one page


Thursday, August 22, 2019

McBride TQE discussion day 2

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Read nonfiction today. Check out Allsides or TheFlipSide to find good articles. Don't forget to write in your notebook.

  1. TQE Discussion for McBride article paragraphs 1-18.
    1. Turn your statements into questions
    2. I need to hear
      1. Paragraph numbers
      2. Why?
      3. Tell me more
      4. The author's name: McBride...
    3. Your grade is based on how much you talk.
  2. Post your group's best TQEs here:
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2


Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Making our own claims

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Today you will read a book you brought or one you speed dated.


  1. Finish our discussion from yesterday.
  2. English Journal #3: Making our own claims


Tuesday, August 20, 2019

TQE Discussion

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Speed date books. Really short.

  1. TQE Discussion for McBride article paragraphs 1-18.
    1. I need to hear
      1. Paragraph numbers
      2. Why?
      3. Tell me more
      4. The author's name: McBride...
    2. Your grade is based on how much you talk.
  2. Post your group's best TQEs here:
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2


Friday, August 16, 2019

Our First Text

Big Idea: How should you annotate a text?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Today you will read the book you brought. Look for outstanding sentences to add to a list in your notebook.

  1. Today you will learn how to annotate an article for this class.
  2. English Journal #3: 10m1p
  3. Let's start annotating our first article.
  1. Your vocabulary is due on Monday.
  2. You should also have your essay revised by Monday or you really will get a zero.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Having a conversation

Big Idea: How do you have an intelligent conversation without yelling?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Today we will read an article of your choice from Newsela. Jot down at least one idea in your notebook.

  1. Today you will learn how to have a conversation with someone else without yelling.
  2. English Journal #2: My Reflections on Our Conversation
  3. Let's start annotating our first article.
  1. Your vocabulary is due on Monday.
  2. You should also have your essay revised by Monday or you really will get a zero.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

You get a zero and you get a zero

Big Idea: What kind of writing will we have to do?

Learning Target:

Reading: Today you will read for 10 minutes. You can choose an article from Newsela.

  1. I will hand back your essays today. You will have until Monday to revise your essay. You only need to write an introduction and one body paragraph.
  2. Create a Flipgrid video with your partner explaining what skills you learned in 9th and 10th grade will help you with this kind of essay and how you will have to improve this year. Use the Venn diagram you created to create the video.
  1. Your vocabulary is due on Monday.
  2. You should also have your essay revised by Monday or you really will get a zero.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What does a 6 look like?

Big Idea: What kind of writing will we have to do?

Learning Target:

Reading: No Reading.

  1. Look at the rubric for this type of essay. Agree with your partner what types of things you should look for in the essay.
  2. Read an essay that received a 6 from the AP scorers.
  3. Create a cyber sandwich with a partner describing why the essay received a six based the rubric.
  4. Create a Flipgrid video with your partner explaining what skills you learned in 9th and 10th grade will help you with this kind of essay and how you will have to improve this year. Use the Venn diagram you created to create the video.
  1. Make sure you get some nice pens and pencils. You should be working on your vocabulary. It is due by Monday. You should also have a notebook for this class by now.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Ready Set Go

Big Idea: What kind of writing will we have to do?

Learning Target:

Reading: No Reading

  1. Today you will have 40 minutes to complete a Rhetorical Analysis.
  2. You can ask me questions after the test.
  1. Make sure you get some nice pens and pencils.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Letter of Understanding

Big Idea: What are we going to do in this class?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Today you will read an article of your choice from Newsela.

  1. Quizlet Live! to expose you to the kind of vocabulary you need to know.
  2. Today you will start your first vocabulary list. It is due a week from Monday on the 19th.
  3. English Journal #3: Letter of Understanding
    1. What were your 9th and 10th-grade English class experiences like? What has prepared you for this class? What kind of reader and/or writer are you?
    2. What do you want me to know about you? What are you worried about? What do you want to get out of this class?
  1. Make sure you get some nice pens and pencils.

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Welcome Back!

Big Idea: What is this class going to be like?

  1. You will be assigned a seat and participate in an icebreaker.
  2. We will go over the expectations for this class.
  3. You will write an Emoji Power Paragraph in your first English Journal.