Thursday, February 13, 2020

RA practice Chavez

Big Idea: How do I write a clear, sophisticated argument?

Learning Target: 

Reading: The next book review is on February 24th

  1. If you were absent today, you MUST schedule a time to make up the writing assignment we completed in class.
  2. RA practice:  Cesar Chavez speech for MLK
    1. TAG: Title, Author, Genre
    2. Exigence from the prompt
    3. Underline Command part of the prompt
    4. Double underline the words after "to develop"
    5. Create a Conquer question
    6. Read the passage and underline anything that helps you answer the conquer question
    7. Create an Inform and Persuade statement that relates to your Conquer question
    8. Divide the reading into three or four parts
    9. What is the author doing in each part? (put this in the margin; like "emphasizes Regan's grace under pressure")
  3. English Journal #22: Chavez Rhetorical Analysis
    1. Introduction
      1. Give background you know about the topic
      2. Create a thesis statement
    2. Use the handout I gave you to write your body paragraphs
    3. The minimum you should be able to complete is your introduction and one paragraph. HOWEVER, this is the minimum. Try to write more.
  1. No vocabulary.

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