Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Double Timed writing

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. On the scored six samples, both of them, highlight and write the following items:
    1. in one color highlight the thesis and topic sentences for each paragraph. Underline transition words.
    2. in another color highlight citations for RA and specific evidence for Argument.
    3. in a third color, highlight what you also noticed in your own writing.
    4. in a fourth color, highlight what you wish you had noticed or wrote about.
    5. Write the following paragraph:
      1. This essay received a six because...Like this essay, I...However, I wish I had...Based on this sample, I think I scored...

  1. Work on 2-3 page essay. Due next Friday.

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