Monday, September 30, 2019

AP test practice

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. AP test multiple choice practice on AP Central.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Practice Practice Practice

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: Analyze the effect of a quote on the author's audience.

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. 10 minute AP multiple choice practice.
  2. Partner Activity: Rhetorical Analysis graphic organizer
  3. Vocabulary Review Game
  4. Book Review is due on Sunday by 9pm. Go to the Independent Reading tab at the top of the blog.
  5. codes
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2

Thursday, September 26, 2019

DIDLS poster final day

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Make sure you take care of any problems with your AP Central account. Call this number 866-315-6068.
  2. DIDLS poster with Twain article. You will work in groups of four.
  3. English Journal #12 Brain Dump
  4. Vocabulary Review Game


Wednesday, September 25, 2019

DIDLS poster

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Make sure you take care of any problems with your AP Central account. Call this number 866-315-6068.
  2. DIDLS poster with Twain article. You will work in groups of four.
  3. Use the poster to write a paragraph.


Tuesday, September 24, 2019

DIDLS with Bradbury article

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Revise your paragraph from yesterday. Add in sentence pattern 1a.
  2. Use your anecdote to make an argument. Look at the past arguments topics. Which one would your anecdote fit?
  3. DIDLS poster with Twain article. You will work in groups of four.
  4. Use the poster to write a paragraph.


Monday, September 23, 2019

Writing Practice

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: Write an anecdote to create an effective argument.

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Review SPACE for the two articles we read last week.
  2. English Journal #10 Sentence Pattern 1A
  3. Writing your own arguments using an anecdote.
    1. Think of a powerful memory or a vivid dream.
    2. Use the model from McBride or Twain to explain your memory or dream.
    3. Use the memory or dream to make a claim. Remember there are claims of fact, value, or policy.
    4. Generate a list of evidence you could use to back up that claim.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Bradbury and Peters articles discussion

Big Idea: To what extent does popular culture reveal what we really value?

Learning Target: Identify claims

Reading: No reading today.

  1. The in-class discussion today. We will discuss both articles.
    1. Start off a topic by asking a question. I noticed...what do you think?
    2. Try to get to the bigger issues involved. How do the author's arguments tell us something about ourselves?
  2. Post your best TQEs below. Make sure you have at least one per article.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Finish Analyzing ads

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or

  1. English Journal #9 Brain Dump
  2. Finish Analyzing Ads
  3. Write a partner paragraph that chooses the most effective ad.
    1. Your paragraph should include:
      1. Who is the audience? (may be more than one)
      2. What features of the ad appeal to this audience's beliefs, values, and feelings?
        1.  You must mention specific elements in the ad. For example, "The creators of the ad order to...This appeals to..."
      3. Overall, how do all of these features make for an effective ad?
  4. Spend time working on articles for tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Finishing Audience Appeals

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or

  1. Analyze Lego Ads for Audience appeals
  2. Tips for reading the Affluence of Despair.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Audience appeals

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or

  1. English Journal #8 Claims Unit 1
  2. Analyze Lego Ads for Audience appeals
  3. Tips for reading the Affluence of Despair.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Rhetorical Analysis essay day 1

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: Chunk a text and analyze each section's effect on the audience.

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or

  1. English Journal EPP Using Model Sentences.
  2. Write a Rhetorical Analysis essay together.

Friday, September 13, 2019

Discussion of the two articles this week

Big Idea: What are we going to do in this class?

Learning Target: Identify claims

Reading: No reading today.

  1. The in-class discussion today. We will discuss both articles.
    1. Nussbaum states...Bastien argues...
    2. Start off a topic by asking a question. I noticed...what do you think?
    3. Try to get to the bigger issues involved. How do the author's arguments tell us something about ourselves?
  2. Post your best TQEs below. Make sure you have at least one per article.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Chunking a text

Big Idea: To what extent does popular culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: You will read today for 10 minutes. You can find good articles on the Flipside or Allsides. Or, if today is our fiction day, enjoy your book. Your book should be finished by September 27th.

  1. Transition Word game.
  2. Work on Quill assignment.
  3. Time to annotate articles for Friday's discussion
    1. One article you will read in the depth.
    2. The other article you will read only looking for particular items.


Tuesday, September 10, 2019

New Articles

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read nonfiction today. Check out Allsides or TheFlipSide to find good articles. Don't forget to write in your notebook.

  1. Go to Login with Google. Spend 10 minutes working on the lessons you will find there. Only 10 minutes.
  2. Today you will receive the next two articles.
    1. Choose which article you will annotate fully. For this article, you will complete left-side and right-side notes.
    2. For the other article, you will only highlight the claims that the author makes. Only makes notes if you choose to.
  3. On Friday, we will discuss both articles in class. You are responsible for making sure you have both articles read by Friday.


Monday, September 9, 2019

Finish summer reading

Big Idea: What did you read over the summer?

Learning Target: 

Reading: No Reading today.

  1. Finish your summer reading assignment. It is due today.

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Summer Reading Assignment

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the rhetorical situation for your summer reading.

Reading: Read nonfiction today. Check out Allsides or TheFlipSide to find good articles. Don't forget to write in your notebook.

  1. Fill out the reading progress Google form.
  2. Summer reading assignment in Google Classroom
  3. I will be conferencing with students about their writing.

  1. No new vocabulary this week. Just read your book.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Writing activities

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Read nonfiction today. Check out Allsides or TheFlipSide to find good articles. Don't forget to write in your notebook.

  1. Funny video AP Lang students will appreciate.
  2. English Journal #5: 10m1p
  3. Transition word game
  4. Vocabulary Jam!

  1. No new vocabulary this week. Just read your book.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Rubric and Writing

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our societies values?

Learning Target: Identify the claims an author makes.

Reading: Read your book today for 10 minutes. Your first book review will be on September 27th.

  1. Grade vocabulary. Fill out the reading progress form.
  2. Finish rubric calibration.
  3. AP Classroom FRQ

  1. No new vocabulary this week. Just read your book.