Monday, September 23, 2019

Writing Practice

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: Write an anecdote to create an effective argument.

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Review SPACE for the two articles we read last week.
  2. English Journal #10 Sentence Pattern 1A
  3. Writing your own arguments using an anecdote.
    1. Think of a powerful memory or a vivid dream.
    2. Use the model from McBride or Twain to explain your memory or dream.
    3. Use the memory or dream to make a claim. Remember there are claims of fact, value, or policy.
    4. Generate a list of evidence you could use to back up that claim.

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