Monday, January 6, 2020

Animal Farm

Big Idea: How do authors use novels to make an argument?

Learning Target: Create Command and Conquer questions to guide reading.

Reading: Over the next three weeks you will read Animal Farm. Here is the reading schedule: Chapters 1-4 by Sunday 1/12; Chapters 5-7 by Sunday 1/19; Chapters 8-10 by Sunday 1/26.

  1. Vocabulary Jam! The winning team will have a shorter list.
  2. Rhetorical Analysis graphic organizer. This document will help us all improve our analysis skills.
    1. Read the Rhetorical analysis prompt.
    2. Create a Command and Conquer question.
    3. Read the speech from Old Major.
    4. Find at least two pieces of evidence from the beginning, middle, and end of the speech
  3. Start reading Animal Farm. Create Left and Right Side notes on paper.

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