Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Argument Essay

Big Idea: How do authors use novels to make an argument?

Learning Target: Create Command and Conquer questions to guide reading.

Reading: Over the next three weeks you will read Animal Farm. Here is the reading schedule: Chapters 1-4 by Sunday 1/12; Chapters 5-7 by Sunday 1/19; Chapters 8-10 by Sunday 1/26.

  1. In his book Animal Farm, George Orwell seems to argue that the ideals that start a revolution are hard to maintain after the revolution is over. Write an essay that explores your position on the ability of a group to maintain the ideals of a revolution.
    1. Remember to defend, challenge or qualify the statement.
    2. Keep your introduction short.
    3. Use evidence from sources besides Animal Farm.
  2. Tomorrow you will provide feedback to your classmates and have a chance to rewrite your argument.
  3. Start reading Animal Farm. Create Left and Right Side notes on paper.

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