Thursday, October 28, 2021

Finishing Animal Farm

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by October 29th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Read Animal Farm chapter 10.
  2. Animal Farm Connections map.
    1. Your connections map must have a large title, color, and various symbols. It should also use all of the words listed below along with how each words is connected to other words.
      1. Napoleon
      2. Old Major
      3. Boxer
      4. Benjamin
      5. Mollie
      6. Moses
      7. Snowball
      8. Squealer
      9. Mr. Jones
      10. Clover
      11. Muriel
      12. The Dogs
      13. Persuasion
      14. Violence
      15. Deception
      16. slavery
      17. freedom
      18. corruption
      19. ideals
      20. naive
      21. working class
      22. education
      23. Beasts of England
      24. Seven commandments
      25. The windmill
  1. Vocabulary list #1

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