Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. Finish up to paragraph 25 today. The whole document will need to be done by Friday.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Satire in A Modest Proposal

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. Discuss what you discovered yesterday.
    2. Today you should be finished with half of the document. I am going to check the first half. The only chance to get the points is today in class.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Monday, March 28, 2022

Rhetorical Analysis: Satire

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. NYT Op-Ed about guns on college campuses
    2. A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. The assignment is in Google Classroom.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Friday, March 25, 2022

Review day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. Review game
  3. RDW Understatement. It is due on Sunday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Synthesis Timed Writing

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis timed writing

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Review Synthesis Introductions Day 2

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Review writing effective Synthesis introductions.
  2. Remember we will be writing a synthesis timed writing on Thursday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Monday, March 21, 2022

Review Synthesis Introductions

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Review writing effective Synthesis introductions.
  2. Remember we will be writing a synthesis timed writing on Thursday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Friday, March 18, 2022

Catch up day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day. Work on anything you are missing.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Debrief the Wind Turbine prompt

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Break down the prompt together.
  2. Calibrate using samples
    1. Sample 3a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where do you see simplistic explanations?
      4. Where do you see misunderstandings of the sources?
    2. Sample 2a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where does the author get mired down in one source rather than synthesizing the sources for his or her own argument?
    3. Sample 1a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. How does the author distinguish between primary and secondary factors? How does this help the author's argument?
      4. How does this source address a counter-argument?

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Thursday, March 10, 2022

AP Classroom Progress Checks

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Complete the Unit 4 and 5 progress checks in AP Classroom. Remember you get credit for completing the progress check, not for your score. Do your own work. You want to accurately know how you will perform on the AP test.
  2. Don't forget about your RDW for this week.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

AP Lang Review day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. AP Lang concept review

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Synthesis Hexagonal Thinking

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis Hexagonal Thinking Graphic organizer.
    1. You will need to get the graphic organizer from me.
    2. Here are the instructions for filling out the graphic organizer.
    3. This is what it looks like when you are done.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Monday, March 7, 2022

Synthesis Topic #3

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis Essay example: Handwriting
  2. Break down the prompt and annotate the sources
  3. Write an introduction
  4. Compare your introduction to a high scoring essay

  1. RDW TBA

Friday, March 4, 2022

Body paragraphs for Synthesis Essay

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Writing thesis statements and body paragraphs for the Horror Movie synthesis essay.
  2. Here is the beginning of a model body paragraph:

  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Writing Thesis Statements

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Writing thesis statements and body paragraphs for the Horror Movie synthesis essay.
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

AP Lang Skills review

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. RA terms review
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Reading the sources quickly and effectively

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. How to quickly read the Horror Movie synthesis sources.
    1. Read with ideas in mind.
    2. Read the source info and italics.
    3. Read the intro and conclusion paragraphs to see if you need to read the whole piece.
  2. Read the sources and highlight information that supports your thesis and relates to the ideas you identified in the prompt.
  3. Practice quoting parts of sentences, identifying the author and source from the source info and italics.
    1. Expert’s (or publication’s) Name), a (credentials that suggest validity), (choose one: argues, presents, details, theorizes, refutes, challenges, exposes, (anything but “says,” “states,” or “claims”)) (flow “into the less than 13 words you intend on quoting” (Citation)); however, it must be admitted that (insert a point of concession in relation to the sources argument).
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.