Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Reading the sources quickly and effectively

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. How to quickly read the Horror Movie synthesis sources.
    1. Read with ideas in mind.
    2. Read the source info and italics.
    3. Read the intro and conclusion paragraphs to see if you need to read the whole piece.
  2. Read the sources and highlight information that supports your thesis and relates to the ideas you identified in the prompt.
  3. Practice quoting parts of sentences, identifying the author and source from the source info and italics.
    1. Expert’s (or publication’s) Name), a (credentials that suggest validity), (choose one: argues, presents, details, theorizes, refutes, challenges, exposes, (anything but “says,” “states,” or “claims”)) (flow “into the less than 13 words you intend on quoting” (Citation)); however, it must be admitted that (insert a point of concession in relation to the sources argument).
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

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