Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Debrief the Wind Turbine prompt

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Break down the prompt together.
  2. Calibrate using samples
    1. Sample 3a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where do you see simplistic explanations?
      4. Where do you see misunderstandings of the sources?
    2. Sample 2a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where does the author get mired down in one source rather than synthesizing the sources for his or her own argument?
    3. Sample 1a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. How does the author distinguish between primary and secondary factors? How does this help the author's argument?
      4. How does this source address a counter-argument?

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

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