Thursday, October 24, 2019

Writing Stations Day 2

Big Idea: How do I improve my rhetorical analysis essay?

Learning Target: I can write a thesis that identifies rhetorical choices and the effect they have on the audience.

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Writing stations today. You will start at a new station today.
    1. Make a copy of this reflection document. As you finish each station make sure you fill it in.
  2. What do I do at the Work Station?
    1. Your goal is to bring your essay to a second draft.
    2. You should be working on making your evidence the best you can.
    3. You should use what you learned yesterday to help you write better body paragraphs.
    4. Look at the rubric.

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