Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unit MCQ practic

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. Multiple choice practice today.
  2. You have free time when you are done.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Public Apologies

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. English Journal #19 Public Apologies
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

#sorrynotsorry day 2

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. #sorrynotsorry activity
    1. Assign a letter to each person in the group: the best letter, a medium letter, the worst letter.
    2. English Journal #18 #sorrynotsorry write at least 150-200 words that describe why you ranked the letter the way you did.
    3. Create a blank slide presentation.
      1. Title it #sorrynotsorry
      2. First slide should say, "Congratulations! You have really screwed up!"
      3. Then create a top 10 list of ironic comments about what you should do when making a public apology.
      4. Make sure public sharing is on for your slides.
      5. Turn in your slides using this Google Form.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Monday, November 18, 2019


Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. #sorrynotsorry activity
    1. Read the public apology letters.
    2. Rank them from best apology to the worst apology.
    3. Generate a list of 10 things an excellent public apology should have.
    4. Assign a letter to each person in the group: the best letter, a medium letter, the worst letter.
    5. English Journal #18 #sorrynotsorry write at least 150 words that describe why you ranked the letter the way you did.
    6. Create a blank slide presentation.
      1. Title it #sorrynotsorry
      2. First slide should say, "Congratulations! You have really screwed up!"
      3. Then create a top 10 list of ironic comments about what you should do when making a public apology.
      4. Make sure public sharing is on for your slides.
      5. Turn in your slides using this Google Form.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Friday, November 15, 2019

Written Response

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. Open the Padlet wall for the discussion from yesterday. Start English Journal #17. Write a 300-word response to one of the questions on the Padlet wall. Use quotes from the text as part of your response.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2
  2. With a partner, complete the SPACE part of the Letter from Birmingham Jail document.
  3. Turn in the Letter from Birmingham Jail document. Today is the only day to turn it in on time.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

MLK Big Group Discussion Part 2

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and a community?

Learning Target: Identify claims

Reading: You will read your new books. Your next book review is on December 10th.

  1. Today is big group discussion. Identify a couple of questions that you know you can discuss.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2
  1. No vocabulary 

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Preparing for final MLK discussion

Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. I will grade your vocabulary.
  2. AP test MC practice.
  3. Annotate the rest of the Letter from Birmingham Jail
    1. Make sure on the left you are separating the letter into sections.
    2. Create a purpose statement for that section.
    3. Identify how MLK achieves this purpose.
    4. On the right, record your best thoughts, questions, and epiphanies.
  4. The discussion will be tomorrow. Be prepared.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Catching Up

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th

  1. English Journal #16 Brain Dump and Rhetorical Analysis
  2. Quizlet Live! Rhetorical terms
  3. Work on vocabulary or other assignments

Thursday, November 7, 2019

MLK Discussion part 1 big group

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and a community?

Learning Target: Identify claims

Reading: You will read your new books. Your next book review is on December 10th.

  1. Today is big group discussion. Identify a couple of questions that you know you can discuss.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2
  2. English Journal #16 Brain Dump
    1. Using the big group discussion, write as much as you can about the first part of the MLK article in 10 minutes.
  3. Work on your vocabulary.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

MLK Discussion part 1

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and a community?

Learning Target: Identify claims

Reading: No reading today.

  1. The in-class discussion today. We will discuss both articles.
    1. Invite quieter people into the discussion
    2. Try to get to the bigger issues involved. How does the problem of the one and the many come up in his letter?
  2. Post your best TQEs below. Make sure you have at least one per article.
    1. Period 1
    2. Period 2

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

MLK Line of Reasoning

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th

  1. I will grade your vocabulary today.
  2. You will work with a partner and follow MLK's line of reasoning about just vs. unjust laws.
    1. Take a picture of your desk and submit on this Google Form
    2. Explain his line of reasoning here on Flipgrid.
    3. On the LEFT side
      1. What rhetorical choices do you see? Label them. Explain what the rhetorical choice does.
        1. Repetition/Patterns
        2. Diction/Connotation which creates tone and mood.
        3. Shifts in tone +/-
        4. EPL
        5. Anecdotes
        6. Allusions
    4. On the RIGHT side
      1. Your own thoughts and questions. Interact with the text.
        1. Thoughts, Questions, Epiphanies
        2. What line of reasoning does MLK use to argue against the eight clergymen?

Monday, November 4, 2019

Independent Work Day

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th

  1. I will grade your vocabulary today.
  2. You may independently work on the following:
    1. Your book review is due today.
    2. Your summary of your Cornell notes is due Wednesday.
  3. Work on annotating The Letter from Birmingham Jail 1-25 which is due on Wednesday.
    1. On the LEFT side
      1. What rhetorical choices do you see? Label them. Explain what the rhetorical choice does.
        1. Repetition/Patterns
        2. Diction/Connotation which creates tone and mood.
        3. Shifts in tone +/-
        4. EPL
        5. Anecdotes
        6. Allusions
    2. On the RIGHT side
      1. Your own thoughts and questions. Interact with the text.
        1. Thoughts, Questions, Epiphanies
        2. What line of reasoning does MLK use to argue against the eight clergymen?

Friday, November 1, 2019

Letter from Birmingham Jail

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: MWF Read your own book for 10 minutes. T Th Read an article from Newsela,, or Your first book review will be assigned on September 27th.

  1. Rhetorical Analysis Quizlet Live!
  2. English Journal #14 Patterns 2 and 3

  3. Start annotating The Letter from Birmingham Jail. The discussion will be next Wednesday.
    1. On the LEFT side
      1. What rhetorical choices do you see? Label them. Explain what the rhetorical choice does.
        1. Repetition/Patterns
        2. Diction/Connotation which creates tone and mood.
        3. Shifts in tone +/-
        4. EPL
        5. Anecdotes
        6. Allusions
    2. On the RIGHT side
      1. Your own thoughts and questions. Interact with the text.
        1. Thoughts, Questions, Ephiphanies
        2. What line of reasoning does MLK use to argue against the eight clergymen?