Monday, November 18, 2019


Big Idea: To what extent does pop culture reflect our society's values?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th.

  1. #sorrynotsorry activity
    1. Read the public apology letters.
    2. Rank them from best apology to the worst apology.
    3. Generate a list of 10 things an excellent public apology should have.
    4. Assign a letter to each person in the group: the best letter, a medium letter, the worst letter.
    5. English Journal #18 #sorrynotsorry write at least 150 words that describe why you ranked the letter the way you did.
    6. Create a blank slide presentation.
      1. Title it #sorrynotsorry
      2. First slide should say, "Congratulations! You have really screwed up!"
      3. Then create a top 10 list of ironic comments about what you should do when making a public apology.
      4. Make sure public sharing is on for your slides.
      5. Turn in your slides using this Google Form.
  1. No vocabulary this week. :)

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