Tuesday, November 5, 2019

MLK Line of Reasoning

Big Idea: What is the relationship between an individual and their community?

Learning Target: 

Reading: Read your book for 10 minutes. Your next book review will be on December 10th

  1. I will grade your vocabulary today.
  2. You will work with a partner and follow MLK's line of reasoning about just vs. unjust laws.
    1. Take a picture of your desk and submit on this Google Form
    2. Explain his line of reasoning here on Flipgrid.
    3. On the LEFT side
      1. What rhetorical choices do you see? Label them. Explain what the rhetorical choice does.
        1. Repetition/Patterns
        2. Diction/Connotation which creates tone and mood.
        3. Shifts in tone +/-
        4. EPL
        5. Anecdotes
        6. Allusions
    4. On the RIGHT side
      1. Your own thoughts and questions. Interact with the text.
        1. Thoughts, Questions, Epiphanies
        2. What line of reasoning does MLK use to argue against the eight clergymen?

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