Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Creating quality examples for argument essays

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Minilesson for brain storming good examples.
  2. Continue annotating trigger warnings article.
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Monday, November 29, 2021

Grade Argument Essay #2

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Create new vocabulary list
  2. Decide on date for book food activity
  3. Self-assess last timed writing
    1. Color code your essay
    2. Use the comments from the Global Commentary to give yourself a grade and make three writing goals
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Catch Up Day

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day. Work on anything you want. Don't be noisy. Treat the guest teacher with respect.
  1. Vocabulary list D is due today.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due today.

Thursday, November 18, 2021

How to write a good argument

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Examining evidence and transitions in a top argument essay.
  2. Brainstorm topics you know a lot about in your English Journal.
  3. Annotate the article from Monday together.
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Genetic Fallacy

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. 5 Steps to a Five Reading practice
  2. Genetic Fallacy partner assignment
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Guest teacher day

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Complete assignments on AP Classroom
    1. Unit multiple choice
    2. FRQ short answer
  2. Work on anything you are missing or behind on.
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Monday, November 15, 2021

Examining Other People's arguments

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Write sample introductions based on the prompts we looked at last Friday.
  2. Begin annotating article for discussion.
    1. describe line of reasoning
      1. make connections between sections
    2. look for methods of development
    3. chart your Thoughts, Questions, and Epiphanies.
  1. Vocabulary list D is due on Friday.
  2. RDW Extended Metaphor is due on Friday.

Friday, November 12, 2021

Identifying the ideas in an Argument prompt

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up on RDWs or vocabulary.
  2. Identifying the subject and abstracts in an AP Lang prompt.
  3. Write an introduction together.
  1. Vocabulary list C is due today.
  2. RDW Rhetorical Question is due today.

Monday, November 8, 2021

Constructing and Analyzing Arguments

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Create vocabulary list C
  2. Break down the 2017 Argument Prompt. We will write a declarative introduction together. You will then change it into an inverted introduction.
  3. Begin reading the Lukianoff and Haidt article. How do they construct an argument?
  1. Vocabulary list C
  2. RDW Rhetorical Question

Friday, November 5, 2021

Timed Writing

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Timed writing.
  1. Vocabulary list B due.
  2. RDW Repetition

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Critical Thinking and Breaking Down a Prompt

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Take notes about the article "Critical Thinking as a Way of Life." Finish for homework. Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
  2. Read the dialogue on logic and propaganda. In your English Journal explain what G.K. Chesterton meant when he wrote: "Perhaps the principal objection to a quarrel is that it interrupts an argument."
  3. Break down the 2017 Argument Prompt. We will write a declarative introduction together. You will then change it into an inverted introduction.
  1. Vocabulary list B
  2. RDW Repetition

Quarter 2

Anecdote 10/29

Repetition 11/5

Rhetorical question 11/12

Extended metaphor 11/19

Antithesis 12/3

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Self-Grade first argument essay

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Grade your Oscar Wilde argument essay in small groups.
  1. Vocabulary list B
  2. RDW Repetition

Quarter 2

Anecdote 10/29

Repetition 11/5

Rhetorical question 11/12

Extended metaphor 11/19

Antithesis 12/3

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Breaking Down the Argument Prompt

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. How to break down the argument prompt: two different methods.
  1. Vocabulary list B
  2. RDW Repetition

Quarter 2

Anecdote 10/29

Repetition 11/5

Rhetorical question 11/12

Extended metaphor 11/19

Antithesis 12/3

Monday, November 1, 2021

Finishing the Connections Map

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Create Vocabulary List B
  2. Multiple Choice Practice
  3. Turn in RDW from last Friday
  4. Start Book Review
  5. Finish Animal Farm Connections map.
    1. Your connections map must have a large title, color, and various symbols. It should also use all of the words listed below along with how each words is connected to other words.
      1. Napoleon
      2. Old Major
      3. Boxer
      4. Benjamin
      5. Mollie
      6. Moses
      7. Snowball
      8. Squealer
      9. Mr. Jones
      10. Clover
      11. Muriel
      12. The Dogs
      13. Persuasion
      14. Violence
      15. Deception
      16. slavery
      17. freedom
      18. corruption
      19. ideals
      20. naive
      21. working class
      22. education
      23. Beasts of England
      24. Seven commandments
      25. The windmill
  1. Vocabulary list B

Quarter 2

Anecdote 10/29

Repetition 11/5

Rhetorical question 11/12

Extended metaphor 11/19

Antithesis 12/3