Thursday, November 4, 2021

Critical Thinking and Breaking Down a Prompt

Big Idea: Constructing Strong Arguments

Learning Target: understand the argument essay format and process

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should be done with your next book by November 30th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Take notes about the article "Critical Thinking as a Way of Life." Finish for homework. Due tomorrow at the beginning of class.
  2. Read the dialogue on logic and propaganda. In your English Journal explain what G.K. Chesterton meant when he wrote: "Perhaps the principal objection to a quarrel is that it interrupts an argument."
  3. Break down the 2017 Argument Prompt. We will write a declarative introduction together. You will then change it into an inverted introduction.
  1. Vocabulary list B
  2. RDW Repetition

Quarter 2

Anecdote 10/29

Repetition 11/5

Rhetorical question 11/12

Extended metaphor 11/19

Antithesis 12/3

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