Friday, May 27, 2022

Final Draft of Your Speech

 Big Idea: How can I identify a problem and offer a solution?

Learning Target: Writing a persuasive speech


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Directions for Final Speech
  2. Practice your speech in front of someone else.
  3. Work on the final draft of your speech and turn it in by Sunday. Remember that the speech you deliver must be the same as the one you turn in.
  4. Junior Escort Speech link. You will not see your upload after it posts since the posts are private.

  1. None

Thursday, May 26, 2022

Practice your speech

 Big Idea: How can I identify a problem and offer a solution?

Learning Target: Writing a persuasive speech


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Directions for Final Speech
  2. Work on the rough draft of your speech.
  3. Practice your speech in front of someone else.

  1. None

Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Rough Draft of Final Speech

 Big Idea: How can I identify a problem and offer a solution?

Learning Target: Writing a persuasive speech


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Directions for Final Speech
  2. Work on rough draft of your speech.

  1. None

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Annotated Bibliography

 Big Idea: How can I identify a problem and offer a solution?

Learning Target: Writing a persuasive speech


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Directions for Final Speech
  2. Turn in an annotated bibliography on Google Classroom.

  1. None

Monday, May 23, 2022

Final Speech Directions

 Big Idea: How can I identify a problem and offer a solution?

Learning Target: Writing a persuasive speech


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. None

Friday, May 20, 2022

Writing Final Drafts

 Big Idea: How can I make myself attractive to colleges?

Learning Target: Understanding the UC and Common App essay prompts


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Today you will write your final draft for each essay. By the end of the day, the following must be completed:
    1. You must have a final draft completed for each essay(350 words for UC and 650 words for Common App).
    2. I should see significant and meaningful changes between your rough and final draft.
    3. You must name the version of the essay "Final Draft." 
    4. The two essays will be submitted on

  1. None

Thursday, May 19, 2022

Writing Rough Drafts

 Big Idea: How can I make myself attractive to colleges?

Learning Target: Understanding the UC and Common App essay prompts


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Today you will write your rough draft for each essay. By the end of the day, the following must be completed:
    1. You must have a rough draft completed for each essay(350 words for UC and 650 words for Common App).
    2. You must share the essay with a different person for each essay. That person must add comments to your essay.
    3. You must name the version of the essay "Rough Draft." This must be done today or you will lose a lot of points for your rough draft.

  1. None

Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Brainstorming ideas

 Big Idea: How can I make myself attractive to colleges?

Learning Target: Understanding the UC and Common App essay prompts


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Brainstorm ideas for four of the essay topics. The document is on Google Classroom.

  1. None

Tuesday, May 17, 2022

College Essays That Work

 Big Idea: How can I make myself attractive to colleges?

Learning Target: Understanding the UC and Common App essay prompts


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Johns Hopkins Essays that Work
    1. Each group will get a different essay
      1. Choose someone to read the essay out loud
      2. Analyze each letter. What made that letter stand out?
      3. Did the candidate address the prompt? How?
      4. Read scorer comments. What made this essay work?

  1. None

Monday, May 16, 2022

College Essay Prompts Monday

 Big Idea: How can I make myself attractive to colleges?

Learning Target: Understanding the UC and Common App essay prompts


Argue ideas, not things!


  1. The Common App Essay Questions
  2. The UC system personal insight questions
  3. College Admission Essay Poster
    1. Find four essays that are very similar.
    2. Use the Common App PDF to provide tips on how to brainstorm ideas
    3. Identify the similarity between the two topics (i.e. Both essays require you to...)
    4. What are areas that would work well for these essays?

  1. None

Monday, May 9, 2022

MC Practice

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for ten minutes.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Final MC practice on AP Classroom. The AP test is tomorrow.

  1. Finish reading your independent book.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

AP Exam Review Day 2 part 1

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for ten minutes.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Finish reading your independent book.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022

AP Exam review stations Day 1 part 2

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for ten minutes.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Finish reading your independent book.

Monday, May 2, 2022

AP Exam Review Stations Day 1 part 1

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Finish reading your independent book.

Friday, April 22, 2022

Full Multiple Choice Test

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Today you will take a full multiple choice test. It is found on AP Classroom. You can only take it in class. The assignment will close when class is over.

  1. Work on 2-3 page essay. Due next Friday.

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Double Timed writing

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. On the scored six samples, both of them, highlight and write the following items:
    1. in one color highlight the thesis and topic sentences for each paragraph. Underline transition words.
    2. in another color highlight citations for RA and specific evidence for Argument.
    3. in a third color, highlight what you also noticed in your own writing.
    4. in a fourth color, highlight what you wish you had noticed or wrote about.
    5. Write the following paragraph:
      1. This essay received a six because...Like this essay, I...However, I wish I had...Based on this sample, I think I scored...

  1. Work on 2-3 page essay. Due next Friday.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Iron Chef RA presentations

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Iron chef presentations. Make sure you share them with me. Put the names of the people in your group.
  2. Practice multiple choice

  1. RDW Hyperbole due on Friday

Monday, April 11, 2022

Handing back RA essays

 Big Idea: TBA

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Hand back rhetorical analysis essays.
  2. Look at model essays. Iron chef presentations for RA.
    1. Sample #1 - pages 4-7
    2. Sample #2 - pages 3-6
      1. Partner 1 - Rhetorical choices
      2. Partner 2 - effective evidence
      3. Partner 3- Context and audience
      4. Partner 4- introduction and conclusion
  3. Practice multiple choice

  1. RDW Hyperbole due on Friday

Wednesday, March 30, 2022


 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. Finish up to paragraph 25 today. The whole document will need to be done by Friday.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Satire in A Modest Proposal

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. Discuss what you discovered yesterday.
    2. Today you should be finished with half of the document. I am going to check the first half. The only chance to get the points is today in class.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Monday, March 28, 2022

Rhetorical Analysis: Satire

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Rhetorical Analysis: Satire
    1. NYT Op-Ed about guns on college campuses
    2. A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. The assignment is in Google Classroom.

  1. RDW Satire due 4/3

Friday, March 25, 2022

Review day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. Review game
  3. RDW Understatement. It is due on Sunday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Synthesis Timed Writing

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis timed writing

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Review Synthesis Introductions Day 2

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Review writing effective Synthesis introductions.
  2. Remember we will be writing a synthesis timed writing on Thursday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Monday, March 21, 2022

Review Synthesis Introductions

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Review writing effective Synthesis introductions.
  2. Remember we will be writing a synthesis timed writing on Thursday.

  1. RDW Understatement due 3/27

Friday, March 18, 2022

Catch up day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day. Work on anything you are missing.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Debrief the Wind Turbine prompt

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Break down the prompt together.
  2. Calibrate using samples
    1. Sample 3a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where do you see simplistic explanations?
      4. Where do you see misunderstandings of the sources?
    2. Sample 2a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. Where does the author get mired down in one source rather than synthesizing the sources for his or her own argument?
    3. Sample 1a
      1. Highlight the thesis statement. How well is it constructed?
      2. Highlight the use of sources. How well does the author use the sources provided?
      3. How does the author distinguish between primary and secondary factors? How does this help the author's argument?
      4. How does this source address a counter-argument?

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Thursday, March 10, 2022

AP Classroom Progress Checks

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Complete the Unit 4 and 5 progress checks in AP Classroom. Remember you get credit for completing the progress check, not for your score. Do your own work. You want to accurately know how you will perform on the AP test.
  2. Don't forget about your RDW for this week.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Wednesday, March 9, 2022

AP Lang Review day

 Big Idea: How do you synthesize multiple sources to create an argument?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. AP Lang concept review

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Synthesis Hexagonal Thinking

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis Hexagonal Thinking Graphic organizer.
    1. You will need to get the graphic organizer from me.
    2. Here are the instructions for filling out the graphic organizer.
    3. This is what it looks like when you are done.

  1. RDW Euphemism due 3/16

Monday, March 7, 2022

Synthesis Topic #3

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Synthesis Essay example: Handwriting
  2. Break down the prompt and annotate the sources
  3. Write an introduction
  4. Compare your introduction to a high scoring essay

  1. RDW TBA

Friday, March 4, 2022

Body paragraphs for Synthesis Essay

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Writing thesis statements and body paragraphs for the Horror Movie synthesis essay.
  2. Here is the beginning of a model body paragraph:

  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Writing Thesis Statements

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Writing thesis statements and body paragraphs for the Horror Movie synthesis essay.
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

AP Lang Skills review

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. RA terms review
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Reading the sources quickly and effectively

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. How to quickly read the Horror Movie synthesis sources.
    1. Read with ideas in mind.
    2. Read the source info and italics.
    3. Read the intro and conclusion paragraphs to see if you need to read the whole piece.
  2. Read the sources and highlight information that supports your thesis and relates to the ideas you identified in the prompt.
  3. Practice quoting parts of sentences, identifying the author and source from the source info and italics.
    1. Expert’s (or publication’s) Name), a (credentials that suggest validity), (choose one: argues, presents, details, theorizes, refutes, challenges, exposes, (anything but “says,” “states,” or “claims”)) (flow “into the less than 13 words you intend on quoting” (Citation)); however, it must be admitted that (insert a point of concession in relation to the sources argument).
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Monday, February 28, 2022

Horror Movie Synthesis Prompt Day 1

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Break down the Horror Movie synthesis prompt.
  1. Op-ed number 3 and 4 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Marc and Carly Day 2

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Highlight the facts that help you answer the prompt. 
  2. Fill out the graphic organizer on Google Classroom.
  1. Op-ed number 1 and 2 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Marc and Carly Day 1

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Introduce the Op Ed assignment on Google Classroom.
  2. Highlight the facts that help you answer the prompt. 
  3. Fill out the graphic organizer on Google Classroom.
  1. Op-ed number 1 and 2 are due this week. Make sure you get them in on time. You can check Google Classroom for the instructions and due dates.

Friday, February 11, 2022

Catch up day

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day
  1. Finish your notes if you need to.

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Synthesis Essay Notes

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Take notes on the Synthesis essay using the YouTube playlist below. You have to take notes on all the videos. However you can share the load.
    1. Everyone must turn in their own handwritten copy of the notes.
    2. The notes are due at the beginning of class tomorrow.
    3. You can break up the work and then share your notes with others.
    4. Make sure your notes are labeled with each video title.
    5. Your notes should be thorough, not overly brief.
    6. Click on this sentence to access the Synthesis essay video playlist.
  1. Finish your notes if you need to.

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Check out new choice books

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: TBA

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Go to the library and check out new books.
  1. None

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Scarlet Letter last day

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Scarlet Letter quiz 17-24
  2. Turn in reading guide
  3. Scarlet Letter review game
  1. None

Monday, February 7, 2022

Final Scarlet Letter discussion

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Quiz on chapters 9-16
  2. Discussion about chapters 17-24
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Friday, February 4, 2022

Guest Speaker

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Guest speaker
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Timed Writing

 Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Timed writing
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Catch up day

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Figurative Language in chapter 10

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Discuss last week's timed writing
  2. SL010 chapter 10 fig lang analysis
    1. Discuss this document
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Monday, January 31, 2022

Scarlet Letter chapters 9-16 discussion

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Discuss chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  1. Read chapters 17-24 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Friday, January 28, 2022

Analyzing chapters 1-8

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Completer document SL009 by the end of the day.
  2. Copy of The Scarlet Letter.
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Thursday, January 27, 2022

Catch Up Day

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Catch up day
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

AP test practice

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

Scarlet Letter 1-4 Analysis

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Completer document SL003 by the end of the day.
  2. Copy of The Scarlet Letter.
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Monday, January 24, 2022

The Scarlet Letter 1-8 Discussion

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Quiz on chapters 1-4.
  2. Discussion about chapters 1-8.
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Friday, January 21, 2022

Timed Writing

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Timed writing.
  1. Read chapters 9-16 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Thursday, January 20, 2022

Analyze chapter 1 passage

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. Identify audience for Albright passage to prepare for timed writing tomorrow.
  3. Analyze the passages from Chapter 1, A Prison Door.
  4. The Puritans One Pager
    1. Must have writing, symbols, and color
    2. Must have information from every category
    3. If the category is short then you must have three items from the category; if it is long then you must have five.
    4. You need a bold title and an eye grabbing central image
  1. Read chapters 1-8 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Puritans day 2

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. MC practice
  2. The Puritans One Pager
    1. Must have writing, symbols, and color
    2. Must have information from every category
    3. If the category is short then you must have three items from the category; if it is long then you must have five.
    4. You need a bold title and an eye grabbing central image
  1. Read chapters 1-8 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

The Puritans

Big Idea: Are we more than our worst mistakes?

Learning Target: understand Puritan beliefs

Reading: We will read for fifteen minutes. Follow the reading schedule listed on this document.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. The Puritans One Pager
    1. Must have writing, symbols, and color
    2. Must have information from every category
    3. If the category is short then you must have three items from the category; if it is long then you must have five.
    4. You need a bold title and an eye grabbing central image
  1. Read chapters 1-8 of The Scarlet Letter
  2. Complete this week's vocabulary list

Thursday, January 13, 2022

RA commentary and conclusions

 Today you will:

  1. Complete the two Edpuzzle assignments on Google Classroom.
  2. Take notes on the second video about how to write a good conclusion.

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Appeal to Ignorance fallacy

 Today you will complete the activity in Google Classroom for the Appeal to Ignorance fallacy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Chavez RA Day 2

 Today you will do the following:

  • Go to the library at 2:10 and check out a copy of the Scarlet Letter.
  • Watch the Edpuzzle video assigned on Google Classroom.
  • Start a new Google Doc.
  • Title it Chavez RA
  • Add the introduction you created yesterday.
  • Add the body paragraph modeled in the video.
  • Add two more body paragraphs on your own.

Monday, January 10, 2022

RA Analysis review

Your jobs today are:

  1. Take notes on the videos that I assigned in Google Classroom.
  2. Annotate the Caesar Chavez Google Doc using the tips provided in the video
  3. In your English Journal, write an introduction to the a RA essay for the passage.