Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Analysis of Squealer's speech

Big Idea: Rhetorical Analysis

Learning Target: spotting uses of rhetoric

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should finish your book by the 24th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Group Analysis of a Speech
    1. How do the writer’s rhetorical choices achieve their purpose and relate to the audience’s emotions and values?
    2. Who or what is the writer, audience, message, purpose, and context that comprise this rhetorical situation?
    3. How does the writer’s word choice reflect their biases and possibly affect their credibility with a particular audience?
    4. What perspectives on the subject might the audience have due to their shared and/or individual beliefs, values, needs, and backgrounds?
  2. MC practice

  1. Rhetorical Device weekly #1 due October 1st

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