Friday, September 3, 2021

Finishing Animal Farm chapter 1

Big Idea: Rhetorical Analysis

Learning Target: spotting uses of rhetoric

Reading: None

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Introduction to Animal Farm: The Rhetoric of Tyranny
    1. 3 Ways to use power
      1. Persuasion
      2. Violence
      3. Manipulation
    2. Ethos, Pathos, Logos
      1. Logos- reasoned account
      2. Ethos- character of the person
      3. Pathos- creation of certain emotions
    3. Final Day for Posters
      1. Symbol for Tyranny
      2. Definition of Persuasion, Violence, and Manipulation
      3. Connect Ethos, Pathos, and Logos to the words in step 2
  2. English Journal #1 Old Major's speech
    1. Write a paragraph that explains the Rhetorical Situation.
    2. Add a few sentences about the shared beliefs and values between Old Major and the rest of the farm animals.
  1. None

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