Monday, September 20, 2021

Animal Farm chapter 4

Big Idea: Rhetorical Analysis

Learning Target: spotting uses of rhetoric

Reading: We will read for ten minutes. You should finish your book by the 24th.

Argue ideas, not things!


  1. Read chapter 4 of Animal Farm
  2. Create a map of the characters
    1. Name, type, symbol of
    2. How are the characters connected?
      1. napoleon
      2. snowball
      3. old major
      4. squealer
      5. boxer
      6. mr. jones
      7. benjamin
      8. Mr. pilkington
      9. mollie
      10. clover
      11. moses
      12. muriel
  3. Rhetorical Device weekly explanation

  1. Rhetorical Device weekly #1

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